Saturday, October 23, 2010

Some work this weekend...

Hi All,

Please note the homework for the different classes due this coming Monday:

7th Grade
Between Friday's class and homework, please put in 30 minutes of time compiling your Identity Classwork paper. Please see the criteria on the previous blog entry.

8th Grade
Identity paper will only be classwork
Your homework for Monday is to complete the research and writing of the STATE OVERVIEW section ONLY for your state project. Those items are:

State Overview

_____ When, Why, how, and by whom was the state established?

_____ State flag and symbolism

_____ State nickname and motto

_____ Population

_____ Relative land area (How does it compare to California? California is 155,959 square miles []).

_____ Relative location

_____ State Capital and other major cities

_____ Popular attractions

Please cite your sources, and make sure that they are reliable (i.e state websites, state historical societies, and NO Wikipedia please)

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