Hi All,
In composing your identity paper, it may be helpful to reflect on your responses to these prompts from our "Crossing the Line" activity.
Cross the Line if........
you are male
you are female
you are not from Berkeley
you feel that your home is Berkeley
you are Christian
you are Muslim
you are Jewish
you are some other religion
you are atheist or agnostic
you have ever felt embarrassed about how much money your family makes
you have been made fun of at school
you ever feel unsafe at school
you have ever hit another person
you have ever verbally harassed another person or called them a bad name
you have committed any type of crime
you feel like you are not good enough
you feel like nobody knows what you are going through
you consider yourself to be in a minority group
you are a person of color
you know little about you cultural heritage
you feel that you do not fit into most stereotypes of your race or culture
you have felt uncomfortable bout a joke related to your race or ethnicity
you feel that people of other races often misunderstand you
your closest friend is of a different ethnicity or nationality than you
you have felt that you would choose to be a different ethnicity
you wish that you were someone else
you feel lonely
you come from a family of four or more children
you are an only child
you are proud to be an American
your parents are of two different ethnicities or nationalities
your parents have either divorced, separated, or never married
you have cried at least once in the last month.
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